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Hello, I'm Rox of RoxStarBakes

Thanks for stopping by!


I'm a baker, photographer, videographer, and super fan of adorable and cute baked goods (give me alllll the kawaii!).


I did NOT grow up baking - one time mom made raisin bran muffins and brought them to my school. After that.. I had no friends.. I'm kidding, it wasn't that bad because we all had paperweights (I ❤️ U mom).


I started sharing my dessert journey at my @roxstarbakes Instagram in 2017 as a weekend baker (my day job is at Microsoft as a Marketing Manager). Actually, I couldn't bake before 2017 but I took a class (it was horrible 😂) and I became obsessed with the science, art, and creativity of all things baking.


My dream is to share my passion for content creation (designing, recipe development, styling, photography and especially video).​​

I've had the awesome opportunity to contribute to several brands through Instagram Live Takeovers, Cute Recipe Development, Social Media Content creation, and/or Blogs. These brands include Hello Kitty Sanrio, Wilton Cakes, (Genius Kitchen - like my Flamingo Pool Party Cake) and I've been featured by Refinery 29 (check it out here!).​ I love partnering and collaborating with brands so reach out!

I'm so excited to have started my own blog. I know I have a lot of work to do but thank you for being part of my journey! To see more cakes that I've made, follow me at YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Let's hang out at my YouTube channel 💖


Other fun facts:

  • Seattle, WA (by way of Germany, by way of Connecticut)

  • I'm Asian. What type? Well, you'll have to DM me for that info ;)

  • Best way to reach me:

Let's stay connected!

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